I’m Jacob, an American actor who works mainly in voice over. The greater Los Angeles area is my home base and I am willing to travel for work! The microphone is my first love and, in my career, video games and commercials have reigned supreme. I’ve also had the pleasure of lending my voice to animation, narration, and explainer projects. I’m a classical and jazz trained 2nd tenor/baritone singer who loves the great outdoors (ok, maybe that’s my first love). Hiking, climbing, mountaineering, skiing, and fly fishing are the reasons I live and breathe. When I’m not working on the craft of acting, you can find me frolicking up in the Sierra Nevada, out in the Mojave Desert, or any other of the myriads of natural treasure troves the Great American West has to offer. I love the work I do. I value the friends it has given me, the creativity and collaboration with others it has allowed me to explore, and above all else... The fun! Let’s do business together!
Email: jacobcraner@gmail.com
Source Connect ID: jacobcraner